Drum-roll …. we’re opening TODAY 👏👏👏
The front of our gorgeous little shop is painted, the interior has been cleaned to within an inch of its life and we’re stocked with new pieces and your old favourites 😅😅😅
Assumpta (spot her coolest t-shirt!) will be in the shop for click and collect today and every day until Sunday as follows:
Thursday 13th (today) 4 – 6pm
Friday 14th (tomorrow) 4 – 6pm
Saturday 15th, 2 – 4pm
Sunday 16th, 12 noon – 2pm.
And then from next week we’ll be walk-in open with our usual hrs of 10am – 5.30pm, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday 11am – 3pm.
Looking forward to seeing you all 😄😄😄