Often a crafter’s craft reflects their personality. Never was that better illustrated than by the irrepressible, ever joyful Pascale Lutz.
Creativity and lifelong development is part of who Pascale is. A qualified beauty therapist since 1983, her jewellery making journey first began when she needed a bracelet to match a special outfit! Over many years her skills, range and repertoire have grown to encompass beading, resin and silver, all affordable and available individually or as sets.
Pascale is also an EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) practitioner, a Hands on Healer and an IET (Integrated Energy Therapist). Her Happiness Cards and Mini Daily Happiness Cards for the Young inspired by her insights and illustrated with her own photographs are designed to bring joy into every day. Her annual Happiness Diary is a gentle and effective way of creating positive change by helping the user to increase awareness of self and surroundings each week whilst working constructively and mindfully through each month.
For Christmas 2020, Pascale has published a special diary for children, My Green Journal with Benjy. The autobiography that tells the unique story of how Cork became this French lady’s adopted home is also available in Passage West Creates.
Pascale makes Jewellery, Happiness Cards, Mini Happiness Cards, Mini Daily Happiness Cards for the Young, Happiness Diary, My Green Journal with Benjy and Wine Glass Charms.